Osteoporosis healed — Warrnambool Revival Fellowship

Lyn was healed from osteoporosis

Following completion of a 33 week Bible study course in the mainline church I was attending at the time, I was amazed to find that everyone in the group had differing opinions on the Scriptures. I prayed to God to reveal His truth to me and within 2 weeks someone approached me with the true gospel message. It was clear and simple coming straight from the Bible. I went to a meeting where I was baptised and received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Immediately I was able to read the Bible with a new and refreshing understanding.

I thank God for the peace, comfort and security His love has given me. In 1995 I was informed by a doctor I had osteoporosis. I had heard someone else in the church being healed of this and prayed in the confidence that God would also perform the same healing in my life. I then went back for further x-rays and was told that I did not have osteoporosis. The doctors could not explain what had happened but I knew that I had been healed by God. I thank God for His wonderfulhealing miracles that now happen in my life.

My daily life with God is a joy and I thank Jesus for His graciousness in saving me.